Family Mediation and Parenting Courses at Family Intermediary

At Family Intermediary we offer services including Family Dispute Resolution also known as Family Mediation, Parenting Courses including Tuning Into Kids, Tuning Into Teens, and Parenting After Separation. Our services are facilitated by trained and accredited practitioners wanting to see positive outcomes for the clients despite the client’s circumstances. When you complete a session with Family Intermediary, we want to ensure that you are better off compared to when you started.

Family Mediation

Family Mediation - Family Dispute Resolution at Family Intermediary

Family Dispute Resolution is for separated or divorced couples who intend to finalise Parenting arrangements or Property settlement. At times parents want to do both Parenting and Property Mediation. Parents will have an intake session with an accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (FDRP) who is accredited by the Attorney General’s Department. The intake session is to assess suitability for mediation and to ensure participants are informed about the process and have the capacity to engage in a mediation setting. For more information on mediation intake assessment sessions read our blog explaining what to expect in the mediation process here.

If your case is assessed as suitable for mediation you will have a mediation session set up with the accredited mediator who will facilitate the process starting off with an agenda for Parenting Mediation Matters and for Property Mediation Matters, starting off with finalising the property pool of assets and debts. The participants have to set out what their expected outcome is and with the assistance of the practitioner consider all the available options to ensure that both participants’ interests are met.

If parties reach agreements at mediation, these will be drafted into a Parenting Plan or Property Agreement. Agreements at mediation are not legally binding and can be transposed into consent orders. For more information on consent orders follow this link.

To commence the Mediation process at Family Intermediary Book your Intake Session Here Today

Tuning Into Kids

Tuning Into Kids Course at Family Intermediary

The Tuning Into Kids Course is an Evidenced-based Parenting Course authored by Professors at Melbourne University in Victoria, Australia. It is based on Professor John Gottman’s work, who is a US professor well known for his work with parents and more notably with couples.

Accredited facilitators run the Tuning Into Kids program at Family Intermediary with plenty of dates available throughout the year. In the 6 weeks program parents learn to emotion coach their children and provide their children with tools that might be helpful to recognise and manage their emotions. The end goal is to foster parent-child connection for the long term and to bring up confident and competent children who have emotional intelligence.

To book the upcoming Tuning Into Kids Course follow this link.

Tuning Into Teens

Tuning Into Kids Course at Family Intermediary

The Tuning Into Teens Course is consequential of and derived from the Tuning Into Kids Course. The concepts are similar except that parents need to be more open-minded with their parenting when transitioning from parenting a toddler to preteens and teens. There is a huge shift that occurs when children turn into their pre-teen and teenage years and sometimes it can be uncomfortable for parents. Parents might not be prepared for the changes in their children and therefore the changes that they have to make as well in their parenting style. Essentially the role of the parent changes as their child gets older and parents need not get stuck in playing a role that is no longer required of them as they risk butting heads with the adolescent.

The 6 weeks Tuning Into Teens program for parents of children from 10 years and up is useful to bring awareness to parents of their ever-changing role and some of the tools they can use to help support their teenager.

To book the upcoming Tuning Into Teens Course follow this link.

Parenting After Separation

Parenting After Separation Course at Family Intermediary

The Parenting After Separation Course at Family Intermediary’s Parenting Courses Australia is a post-separation course to guide parents in their parenting journey through separation and divorce. It helps parents recognise some of the traps they may fall into when they are going through the separation process. Awareness of some triggers during the process is key to helping navigate the process and ensuring that children are minimally impacted by separation and divorce. If parents use due care children can go on to thrive and live comfortably even after their parents have separated. To book the Self-Paced Parenting After Separation Course follow the link here.


Principal Mediator - Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner.

Parenting Courses Facilitator.

Family Intermediary


Property Mediation


Parenting Mediation and Property Mediation-Family Intermediary can assist you with your matters.